This is what two Labour governments, working in partnership,
have done for Wales so far


  • Secured £400m investment to boost clinical trials, improving NHS services and driving growth across Wales.

  • A strong partnership between two Labour governments, sharing best practice in the NHS help drive down waiting times.

  • Reduced bowel screening age to 50 in Wales.

  • Rolled out new fracture liaison services to all areas in Wales.

  • Invested more than a quarter of a billion pounds to help older people be cared for at home.

  • Opened the new North Wales Medical School, which has recruited its first direct intake of students.


  • Launched new legislation to bring the UK's railways back into public ownership which will improve rail services across Wales.

  • Set out a plan to work together to unlock additional rail capacity in North Wales and boost services by 50% in 2026.

  • Made progress on our plans to fundamentally reshape bus services.


  • Continued to invest in our Warm Homes programme to help families make their homes more energy efficient.

  • Pushed on with investing in building more social homes for rent across Wales.

Crime and Border Security

  • Kickstarted a plan to restore neighbourhood policing in Wales.

  • Scrapped the wasteful Rwanda scheme and launched a Border Security Command to smash the criminal smuggling gangs and improve the UK's border security.

  • Introduced Martyn’s law, delivering a commitment to better protect the public from terrorist attacks.

  • Immediately recruited 100 new specialist intelligence and investigation officers at the NCA to tackle criminal networks.


  • Completed our roll out of free school meals to every primary school child in Wales.

  • Prioritising education, so that the Welsh Labour Government can go even further to tear down the barriers holding people back.

  • Rolled out video technology across Wales to connect classrooms, so pupils can study subjects that may not have otherwise been available to them.

Economy and employment

  • Taken action to boost broadband connectivity in Wales as part of a £800mn investment to modernise broadband infrastructure in rural areas.

  • Unveiled new measures to support small businesses in Wales impacted by late payments.

  • Announced improved employment rights for workers in Wales, with a package of reforms that will Make Work Pay - including ending exploitative zero hour contracts, providing statutory sick pay from day one, and ending fire and rehire.

  • Secured a record 131 new green infrastructure projects which will create jobs and drive growth.

  • Announced a new National Wealth Fund to unlock private investment.

  • Introduced a new Fiscal Lock Law to deliver economic stability in Wales and protect family finances.

  • Announced an improved Port Talbot deal that goes further to protect workers and livelihoods.

  • Secured the largest inward investment into North Wales in a generation at Shotton Mill, to create hundreds of new jobs, close to home.


  • Delivered new measures to penalise water bosses who pollute waters in Wales.

  • Introduced the GB Energy Bill to deliver cleaner and more secure energy to drive down bills and create the jobs of the future.

  • Announced GB Energy’s first major partnership with the Crown Estate.

  • Launched the Pembroke Dock Marine development, to unlock more jobs, economic growth and opportunities.

  • Pledged nearly £22 billion for projects to capture and store carbon emissions, including a pipeline transporting carbon dioxide from north Wales.

  • Officially launched Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru — our publicly-owned renewable energy developer for Wales.

  • Delivered new measures to help clean up our rivers, lakes, and seas.

Cost of living

  • Established the Child Poverty Taskforce, working across government departments to tackle child poverty.

  • Working to drive up Pension Credit applications across Wales.

  • Taken steps to ensure the minimum wage reflects the real cost of living.

  • Announced above-inflation pay rises for hundreds of thousands of public sector workers in Wales.


  • Launched a new Armed Forces Commissioner who will be a strong, independent champion to improve life for UK service personnel across Wales and their families.

  • Awarded our armed forces the largest pay increase in decades which will renew the nation's contract with those who serve from Wales.

The Tories presided over 14 years of decline, undermined our public services, and wrecked our economy.

Keir Starmer's Labour Government is getting on with the job, fixing the foundations of our country and delivering the long-term change Britain needs.

This 100 days is just the start.